June 29, 2008

Endurance San Ramon 2008

Hola amigos...
Bueno, es duuuurrrroooooo...esta etapa ha sido algo increiblemente dura, en lo que tengo de andar en MTB (poquito mas de 1anno) nunca en mi vida me habia acalambrado...hasta que me tope Endurance de San Ramon...

Increiblemente fuerte...saludos a todos y espero disfruten el video...

Hello Folks...
Well...what can I say....IS DARN HARD this stage, I've never had cramps in my legs before 'till I got to San Ramon....is just insanely hard ride....

Hope you enjoy the video....Marla...what happened?!!...

June 27, 2008

Video del Ride Jaco-Rodeo...

Este es el video del ride que hicimos hace poco, la ruta 1 de Conquistadores, salimos tipo 5am...llegamos hasta Grifo Alto...15km cortos

This is the video of the ride we did of day 1 from La Ruta, we took off from Jaco, but we manage to get only to Grifo Alto...15km short...


Hola amigos...
He creado este blog para facilitar las visitas y chequeo de videos que hago...

Hello folks....
I've created this blog to facilitate the visits and video checking to you guys...

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